Basic RF407 networks


This procedure assumes the RF407-series devices are using factory default settings.

(Click image to expand/collapse display)

(Click image to expand/collapse display)

Configure the base RF407-series radio

Configure the RF407-series radio that is connected to the computer. This is sometimes referred to as the base radio.

  1. Ensure that an antenna is connected to the RF407-series radio.

  2. If connecting via USB for the first time, you must first install USB drivers using Device Configuration Utility (select your radio, then on the main page, click Install USB Driver).

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  3. Connect the USBport on your RF407-series radio to your computer.

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  4. Using Device Configuration Utility, select the Communication Port used for your radio and connect to the RF407-series radio.

  5. On the Main tab, set the Active Interface to USB or RS-232 (depending on how your computer will be connected to the RF407-series radio).

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  6. Apply to save your changes.
  7. Close Device Configuration Utility.

  8. The TX/PWR and RX LEDs flash once, after which the TX/PWR LED returns to blinking at the Power Mode interval (0.5 sec, by default).

  9. Leave the radio connected to the computer.

    If the Active Interface was set to RS-232, disconnect the USB cable. Use a serial cable to connect the computer RS-232 port to the RF407 RS-232 port.

Configure the remote RF407-series data logger(s)

Follow these instructions multiple times to set up multiple data loggers. In this case, each data logger must be given a unique PakBus address (see PakBus communications for more information). For more complicated networks, it is recommended that you use ClosedNetwork Planner Campbell Scientific software designed to help set up datal oggers in PakBus networks so that they can communicate with each other and the LoggerNet server. For more information, see


Most Campbell Scientific devices come from the factory with a default PakBus address of 1. For this reason, it is best not to assign PakBus address 1 to any device in the network. Then, if a new device with default settings is added to the system, it will not create a conflict.

  1. Ensure the antenna is connected.

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  2. For data loggers with an external radio, connect the radio and data logger CS I/O ports using an SC12 cable.

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  3. Supply 12 VDC power to the data logger.

    • connect 12 VDC at the green BAT terminals

    • or connect 16 to 32 VDC at the CHG terminals

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  4. Using Closeddata logger support software LoggerNet, RTDAQ, and PC400 - these Campbell Scientific software applications include at least the following functions: data logger communications, downloading programs, clock setting, and retrieval of measurement data., launch the EZSetup Wizard.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Select your data logger from the list, type a meaningful name for your data logger (for example, a site identifier or project name), and click Next.

  7. Select the Direct Connect connection type and click Next.

  8. Select the communications port used to communicate with the RF407-series radio from the COM Port list. It should be listed as RF407-Series (COMX).


    If the RF407-Series (COMX) is not in the list ensure your RF407 is connected to your computer.

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  9. Accept the default value of 00 seconds in the COM Port Communication Delay - this box is used to allow time for hardware devices to "wake up" and negotiate a communications link. Click Next.

  10. In Configure the base RF407-series radio you selected an active interface option of USB or RS-232. If you selected USB as the active interface for the radio, you do not need to select a baud rate. If you selected RS-232, set the baud rate to the one chosen during that step. The radio default baud rate is 115200. The ClosedPakBus ® A proprietary communications protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. address must match the hardware settings for your data logger. The default PakBus Address is 1.

  11. Click Next.

  12. By default, the data logger does not use a security code. Therefore, the Security Code can be left at 0. If the code has been changed in the data logger, enter the new code.Beginning with operating system 14.00, the data logger is configured to be secure by default. Therefore, For data loggers that have a UID, PakBus Encryption is enabled by default. The default PakBus Encryption Key is the UID. Enter the data logger UID or, if the setting has been changed, enter the new key. See Data logger security for more information.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Review the Setup Summary. If you need to make changes, click Previous to return to a previous window and change the settings.

Setup is now complete. The EZSetup Wizard allows you to Finish, or you may click Next to test communications, set the data logger clock, and send a program to the data logger. See Testing communications with EZSetup for more information.


The RF407-series radio to RF407-series data logger link is not indicated in the LoggerNet Setup Standard View.

If you experience network communications problems, see Troubleshooting radio communications for assistance.