SerialOpen (Open Communication Port)
The SerialOpen function is used to set up one of the datalogger's ports for communication with a non-PakBus PakBus® is a proprietary communication protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. device.
This instruction can also be used along with other serial instructions to set up and control the SDM-SIO1A or SDM-SIO4A or SDM-SIO2R.
SerialOpen ( ComPort, BaudRate, SerialOpenFormat, TXDelay, BufferSize,

'Declare Public Variables
Public RefTemp, batt_volt
Public Counter
Public OutString as string * 1000
Public InString as string * 1000
'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,-1)
DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)
Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False)
Sample (1,RefTemp,FP2)
Sample (1,OutString,String)
'Main Program
'Set up
communication ports to send and receive data
'jumper wire from
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
Battery (Batt_volt)
counter = counter + 1
OutString = "enter output
string here " + counter
String over control port C1
'Receive String over comntrol port C4 (COM3 RX).
SerialIn (InString,
Output Tables
CallTable Test
When the SerialOpen function is executed, the serial port is "opened" and subsequent textual messages will flow in and out of the port in between PakBus packets. The data are directed away from the terminal mode input based on subsequent SerialIn and SerialOut functions. This function returns True when successful or False when unsuccessful.
This instruction can be placed after BeginProg and prior to the Scan instruction (so it is executed only once) or after the Scan instruction (so that it is executed with each scan). Once opened, the serial port will remain open and the datalogger will not go into low power mode until a SerialClose is encountered (note that an exception is format 4, where the port will go to sleep after 40 seconds of inactivity, allowing the datalogger to go into a lower power mode). If a serial port is open, other communication may be prevented from occurring over that port. Note also that keeping the RS232 port open, and thus powered up, will increase power consumption. However, it will also prevent the possibility of the first few incoming characters being lost. Consideration should be given to which is the better tradeoff for the application.
SerialOpen will close an existing PPP connection if it opens the ComPort for a PPP interface on that same ComPort.
SerialFlush can be used to clear the buffer under program control.
When the communications port is set up for PakBus protocol, a combination of TXDelay and BufferSize are used to send serial packets. All ports except COM ports are set for PakBus active, unless set otherwise with SerialOpen. With each packet sent, communication is delayed for the period in TXDelay, and then a packet is sent. (An exception is that PakBus Hello messages are delayed for 4 times the TXDelay.) During communication with some devices it may be necessary to limit the packet size (BufferSize) and add a delay (TXDelay) for communication to be successful. For example, PakBus packets are 1000 bytes. The largest packet that an RF95 can accommodate is 248 bytes. Setting the buffer to 240 would limit the packet size and ensure that the RF95's buffer was not exceeded. A delay (e.g.,1,000,000 us) would ensure that each packet has sufficient time to arrive at its destination before the next packet is transmitted.
It may also be necessary to set up a buffer for the receipt of incoming characters (such as the response to dial commands). If a buffer is needed for both sending and receiving characters, you can perform a SerialOpen/ send data /SerialClose, and then SerialOpen/ receive data /SerialClose.
NOTE: This instruction runs inside the processing task.
ComPort (Communication Port)
The communication port that will be used by the instruction. Right-click to display a list.
Alphanumeric | Description |
ComRS232 | RS232 port of the datalogger |
ComME | Datalogger's CS I/O port; modem enabled |
Com310 | Datalogger's CS I/O port; COM310 modem |
Com320 | Datalogger's CS I/O port; COM320 modem |
ComSDC7 | Datalogger's CS I/O port; SDC 7 |
ComSDC8 | Datalogger's CS I/O port; SDC 8 |
ComSDC10 | Datalogger's CS I/O port; SDC10 |
ComSDC11 | Datalogger's CS I/O port; SDC 11 |
ComC1 | Datalogger's control ports 1 (TX) & 2 (RX) |
ComC3 | Datalogger's control ports 3 (TX) & 4 (RX) |
ComC5 | Datalogger's control ports 5 (TX) & 6 (RX) |
ComC7 | Datalogger's control ports 7 (TX) & 8 (RX) |
SerialOpen, SerialClose, SerialOut, and SerialOutBlock also support output via SDE pin enabled or any SDC address by using extended ComPorts. Valid extended ComPorts are &H1F through &Hff (31..255, SDC address including mode bits. Note, however, that 31 is SDE pin enabled and 32 through 47 are used to address the SDM-SIO1A). When an extended ComPort is used, the output instructions will turn on SDE or address the CS I/O port with the specified SDC address, delay the amount of time specified by TXDelay, output asynchronously at the specified baud rate in the SerialOpen() instruction, delay the amount of time specified by TXDelay, then reset the CS I/O port.
NOTE: The Argos and GOES satellite extended ComPort address is &H41 (65). To specify an SDC address, the most significant bit is the address; e.g., SDC 7 would be &H70 (112).
NOTE: When using the ComME ComPort with non-PakBus protocols (PPP, Modbus, DNP3, or generic serial applications), incoming characters can be corrupted by concurrent use of the CS I/O port for SDC communication (e.g., keyboard display).
Type: Constant. For all instructions except SerialOpen, this parameter can also be a variable.
BaudRate (Data Transmit Rate)
The rate, in bps, at which data is transmitted. The options are 300,
NOTE: 300 baud is not applicable for the RS232 port.
NOTE: If you are using SerialOpen to control a SDM-SIOx (SDM-SI01A, SDM-SIO1A, SDM-SIO2R) automatic baud rate detection is not supported. Rather, setting the baud rate to a negative value enables automatic flow control (RTS/CTS). Click here for additional information.
Right-click this parameter to display a list.
Type: Constant. In SerialOpen, BaudRate can be a variable.
SerialOpenFormat (Error Detection Format)
The Format parameter is used to specify the type of error detection to be used for the exchange of data.
If you are using SerialOpen to control a SDM-SIO1A, SDM-SIO4A, or SDM-SIO2R module, click here for details on SerialOpen format parameters that are specific for SDM-SIO devices.
NOTE: Typical RS-232 connections use logic 1 low. Typical TTL connections use logic 1 high.
NOTE: With RS-485 and RS-422 communications, logic level is ignored. You must select the parity, stop, and data bits. However, either logic level can be used.
NOTE: All formats use one start bit.
Code | Description |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
C Terminals Only
Code | Description |
16 | Logic 1 high; No parity, one stop bit, 8 data bits; No error checking; PakBus communication can occur concurrently on the same port |
17 | Logic 1 high; Odd parity, one stop bit, 8 data bits |
18 | Logic 1 high; Even parity, one stop bit, 8 data bits |
19 | Logic 1 high; Binary, no parity, one stop bit, 8 data bits |
20 | Logic 1 high; PakBus protocol active, 2 stop bits, 8 data bits |
21 | Logic 1 high; Odd parity, two stop bits, 8 data bits |
22 | Logic 1 high; Even parity, two stop bits, 8 data bits |
23 | Logic 1 high; Binary, no parity, two stop bits, 8 data bits |
25 | Logic 1 high; Odd parity, one stop bit, 7 data bits |
26 | Logic 1 high; Even parity, one stop bit, 7 data bits |
27 | Logic 1 high; Binary, no parity, one stop bit, 7 data bits |
29 | Logic 1 high; Odd parity, two stop bits, 7 data bits |
30 | Logic 1 high; Even parity, two stop bits, 7 data bits |
31 | Logic 1 high; Binary, no parity, two stop bits, 7 data bits |
By default, the RS-232 is set up for PakBus communication (i.e., PakBus active),
unless changed by SerialOpen. However, the control
When disabling PakBus communication on the RS232 port, an alternative method of connection should be used, such as the ComUSB port.
Type: Constant
TXDelay (Time to Delay)
Specifies the amount of time to delay, in microseconds, before outputting strings. A delay may be necessary in some situations, such as half duplex RF media.
When communicating with an SDC device on a port other than SDC7 or SDC8, the TXDelay parameter applies a delay both after addressing the SDC device and before resetting the SDC device.
Type: Variable or Constant
BufferSize (Buffer Size)
Specifies the number of bytes allocated for input on the ComPort. This buffer is set up as ring memory. Use SerialFlush to clear the buffer.
Note that the datalogger tracks a write pointer and a read pointer for the buffer. It determines if new data has been written by write pointer - read pointer. If the number of incoming bytes stored in the buffer is equal to the buffer size, the datalogger may not detect that new data has been received in the buffer. Therefore, the buffer size should be set to at least the number of expected incoming characters + 1.
For PakBus PakBus® is a proprietary communication protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. communication (format option 4, PakBus protocol active), there is a PakBus buffer by default,so BufferSize
can normally be left at 0.
Type: Constant Integer
Optional Parameter
This optional parameter is left blank when used with the SDM-SIO1A or SDM-SIO4A. The CommsMode specifies the configuration of the datalogger's control port used by this instruction. The ports can also be configured using Device Configuration Utility. Configuring the ports using the SerialOpen instruction will change the setting if it was previously set by other means.
Code |
Description |
0 |
Configures the port as RS-232, 5V and -5V voltage levels ( |
1 |
Configures the port as TTL, 5V and 0V voltage levels ( |
2 |
3 |
Configures the port as RS-485 half-duplex, PakBus communication ( |
4 |
Configures the port as RS-485 half-duplex, transparent ( |
5 |
Configures the port as RS-485 full-duplex |
6* | RS-485 TX only. In this configuration the transceiver is left on so the A(-) and B(+) idle in a marking state (logical '1'). |
7* | RS-422 full-duplex transparent. In this configuration, the transceiver for the transmit pair is left on. The transmit pair A(-) and B(+) idle in a marking state (logical '1'). |
* | Optional parameter added in OS |
RS-422 protocol is similar to RS-485. Most RS-422 sensors will work with RS-485 protocol.