Using terminal mode

CR300 series terminal commands lists terminal mode options. With exception of perhaps the C command, terminal options are not necessary to routine CR300 series operations.

To enter terminal mode, connect a computer to the CR300 series. See Setting up communications with the data logger. Open a terminal emulator program from Campbell Scientific Closeddata logger support software LoggerNet, RTDAQ, and PC400 - these Campbell Scientific software applications include at least the following functions: data logger communications, downloading programs, clock setting, and retrieval of measurement data.

  • Connect window > Datalogger menu item> Terminal Emulator...
  • Device Configuration Utility Terminal tab

After entering a terminal emulator, press Enter a few times until the prompt CR300 series> is returned. Terminal commands consist of specific characters followed by Enter. Sending an H and Enter will return the terminal emulator menu.

ESC or a 40 second timeout will terminate on-going commands. Concurrent terminal sessions are not allowed and will result in dropped communications.

Terminal commands are subject to change. Please consult Campbell Scientific for assistance if you are not familiar with the effects of a command.

CR300 series terminal commands

Command Description Use
0 Scan processing time; real time in seconds Lists technical data concerning program scans.
3 Status Lists the CR300 series Status table.
5 Scan information Technical data regarding the CR300 series scan.
7 VARS Lists Public table variables.
A Operating system copyright Lists copyright notice and version of operating system.
C Modify constant table Edit constants defined with ConstTable / EndConstTable. Only active when ConstTable / EndConstTable in the active program.
D MTdbg() task monitor Campbell Scientific engineering tool
E Compile errors Lists compile errors for the current program download attempt.
F Settings names Lists settings
H Terminal emulator menu Lists main menu.
I Calibration data Lists gains and offsets resulting from internal calibration of analog measurement circuitry.
J Download file dump Sends text of current program including comments.
L Peripheral bus read Campbell Scientific engineering tool
M Memory check Lists memory-test results.
N File system information Lists files in CR300 series memory.
O Data table sizes Lists technical data concerning data-table sizes.
P Serial talk through Issue commands from keyboard that are passed through the logger serial port to the connected device. Similar in concept to SDI12 Talk Through. No timeout when connected via PakBus.
REBOOT Program recompile

Typing “REBOOT” rapidly will recompile the CR300 series program immediately after the last letter, "T", is entered. Table memory is retained. NOTE: When typing REBOOT, characters are not echoed (printed on terminal screen).

SDI12 SDI12 talk through Issue commands from keyboard that are passed through the CR300 series SDI-12 port to the connected device. Similar in concept to Serial Talk Through. See also SDI-12 transparent mode
T Terminal master Communicate through the terminal mode of a remote CR300 series by way of another CR300 series. See also Terminal master.
W Comms Watch (Sniff) Enables monitoring of CR300 series communications traffic. No timeout when connected via PakBus.
PCAP Wireshark PCAP file capture Campbell Scientific engineering tool