Mult, Offset (Multiplier and Offset)

Factors by which to scale the raw results of the measurement. Typically used to convert the raw measurement to engineering units or to units other than which is output. For example, the TCDiff instruction measures a thermocouple and outputs temperature in degrees C. A multiplier of 1.8 and an offset of 32 will convert the temperature to degrees F.

For temperature measurements, a multiplier (mult) of 1 and an offset of 0, would output in degrees Celsius. For analog measurements, a multiplier (mult) of 1 and an offset of 0, would output the measured voltage in millivolts divided by the excitation voltage in volts.

If Repetitions of greater than 1 are used for this instruction, Repetitions can also be used for the Multiplier and Offset. Multipliers, Offsets, and Disable Variables with Repetitions

Type: Constant, Variable, Array, or Expression