DataFormat (Data Format)

The DataFormat parameter is used to define the format of the data sent to the transmitter (GOESData) or retrieved from the datalogger (GetRecord). A numeric value is entered:

Code Description
0 Campbell ScientificClosedFP2 Two-byte floating-point data type. Default datalogger data type for stored data. While IEEE four-byte floating point is used for variables and internal calculations, FP2 is adequate for most stored data. FP2 provides three or four significant digits of resolution, and requires half the memory as IEEE4. data; 3 bytes per data point.
1 Floating point ASCII; 7 bytes per data point.
2 18-bit binary integer; 3 bytes per data point, numbers to the right of the decimal are truncated.

RAWS7; 7 data points:

  • 1: Total rainfall in inches, format =
  • 2: Wind speed MPH, format = xxx
  • 3: Vector average wind direction in degrees, format = xxx
  • 4: Air temperature in degrees F, format = xxx
  • 5: RH percentage, format = xxx
  • 6: Fuel stick temperature in degrees F, format = xxx
  • 7: Battery voltage in VDC, format = xx.x
4 Fixed decimal ASCII xxx.x
5 Fixed decimal ASCII xx.xx
6 Fixed decimal ASCII
7 Fixed decimal ASCII xxx
8 Fixed decimal ASCII xxxxx

For DataFormat options 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, if the data being transmitted is formatted as a string, the datalogger will send the string. For DataFormat options 0, 2, and 3, the datalogger will search for numeric values, convert them to the appropriate format, and send them to the transmitter.

Type: Integer