TableFile Option 64
Option 64 is a special case where the TableFile instruction writes TOB3 files to a card. Its operation is very similar to CardOut in that space for the table is pre-allocated. The active file remains open while it is being written to, and is closed when the Interval condition is met (at which point space is allocated for a new table and a new file is opened). Each file written to the card can be up to 2G in size, and the most recent file is treated by the datalogger as an extension of internal memory. Thus, the data in the active file can be collected using software or accessed using data table access syntax (once a file is closed, it is not accessible in this way. Note that files written with an option other than 64 cannot be acted upon using the data table access functions.) When the card eject button is pushed, buffered data is written to the active file and the file is closed, unless 100 is added to the option code (as described in the Options parameter help). When a card is inserted, a new file is created. CardFlush can be used to force the active file to close and a new file to open. FileMark can be used to insert file marks into the data, which when processed with CardConvert software, will break up the large file into smaller ones based on the file marks.
Note that when the Interval is true, because the active file is closed and a new file is subsequently opened, the two files may appear to have the same timestamp when viewed in a directory listing (such as LoggerNet or PC400's File Control). The newly opened file will be assigned a final timestamp when it is closed and the next new file is opened.