TerminationChar (Termination Character)
Specifies a single character that marks the end of the incoming block of data. The character can be entered as an ASCII Abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange / American National Standards Institute. An encoding scheme in which numbers from 0-127 (ASCII) or 0-255 (ANSI) are used to represent pre-defined alphanumeric characters. Each number is usually stored and transmitted as 8 binary digits (8 bits), resulting in 1 byte of storage per character of text. character code or as a string. The termination character can be included in, or excluded from, the result string. For more information, see ASCII Codes and Characters.
Exclude TerminationChar: If the TerminationChar is an ASCII value between 0 and 255, it will terminate the string input upon seeing the character. The character is not included in the result string. To enter the termination character, simply use the ASCII code.
Include TerminationChar: If the TerminationChar is declared as a string, the input string will terminate after a match of the termination string is found. The matching termination string will be included in the resultant string. For printable characters, the string can be entered directly (for instance, for a period character, enter “.”). For non-printable characters, use the CHR() instruction along with the ASCII code. As an example, for a carriage return (CR), enter CHR(13).
Entering a negative number or a null for the TerminationChar means there is no termination character.
Type: Integer, Variable, or Constant