ComPort (Communications Port)

The communications port that will be used by the instruction. Right-click to display a list. Options vary depending on the instruction.

Alphanumeric Description
ComRS232 RS232 port of the datalogger
ComME Datalogger CS I/O port; modem enabled
Com310 Datalogger CS I/O port; COM310 modem
Com320 Datalogger CS I/O port, COM320 modem
ComSDC7 Datalogger CS I/O port; SDC7
ComSDC8 Datalogger CS I/O port; SDC8
ComSDC10 Datalogger CS I/O port; SDC10
ComSDC11 Datalogger CS I/O port; SDC11
ComC1 Datalogger control terminals 1 & 2
ComC3 Datalogger control terminals 3 & 4
ComC5 Datalogger control terminals 5 & 6
ComC7 Datalogger control terminals 7 & 8

Type: Constant. For all instructions except SerialOpen, this parameter can also be a variable.