SecsSince1990 (Seconds Since 1990)
The SecsSince1990 function returns the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1990 from a date string.
Variable=SecsSince1990 ( Source, DateOption )

Example #1
In the following example program, the SecsSince1990 function is used as the "RecsBack" parameter for the GetRecord instruction to retrieve a record 5 seconds prior to the current record. The retrieved record is stored into a second data table.
The quotes are stripped from the retrieved record string so that two sets of quotes are not stored in the data table.
Public RefTemp, TCTemp
Public SSDate As String * 25, SS1990 As Long
Public RecRetrieved As String * 50, RecRetrievedStripped As String * 50
DataTable (TempData,True,-1)
Sample (1,RefTemp,FP2)
Sample (1,TCTemp,FP2)
DataTable (TempData_5,True,-1)
Sample (1,RecRetrievedStripped,String)
Scan (1,Sec,3,0)
TCDiff (TCTemp,1,mv200C,1,TypeT,RefTemp,True,0,15000,1.0,0)
current scan timestamp in variable SSDate
'Option 4 uses YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
SecsSince1990 function to store SSDate as long so it can
used in GetRecord
record 5 seconds back
GetRecord (RecRetrieved,TempData,-(ss1990-5))
quotes off string before storing it into the data table
CallTable (TempData)
CallTable (TempData_5)
Example #2
In the simple following program example, the SecsSince1990 function is used to return a date from the timestamp in the Public table. In once instance, the variable is formatted as a string, so a textual date is returned. In the other instance the variable is formatted as a long, so a serial date is returned.
Public SSDateString As String * 25
Public SSDateLong As Long
Public Tref
DataTable (SS1990Tab,True,-1)
Sample (1,SSDateString,String)
Sample (1,SSDateLong,Long)
Scan (1,Sec,3,0)
SSDateLong=SecsSince1990(Public.Timestamp,1) 'variable is formatted as Long
SSDateString=SecsSince1990(Public.Timestamp,1) 'variable is formatted as String
CalltAble (SS1990Tab)
The variable in which the number of seconds is stored should be formatted as Long or as a String. If the source parameter is a date/time string and Variable is of type Long, the number of seconds since 1990 is returned. If the source parameter is a Long containing the number of seconds since 1990 and Variable is of type String, a date/time string is returned.
One of the uses for this function is to retrieve a record from a data table using the GetRecord instruction based on the time the record was stored rather than based on a record number. (See the example program.)
The SecsSince1990 function should not be nested within another function when the expected result is a string (for example, the code DateTime(1) = Left(SecsSince1990(Public.Timestamp(1,1),1),19) will not work).
The variable to be acted upon by the function. It can be a variable formatted as a String that contains a date and time, or a variable formatted as a Long that contains the number of seconds since January 1, 1990.
Type: Variable (String or Long)
Specifies the format of the date/time string used as the source or the format of the date/time string to be returned by the function. Note: The resolution of this function is 1 second. Fractional seconds are not used during conversion from the date/time string to seconds since 1990. If they are included, the timestamp will be truncated. Right-click the parameter to display a list of options:
Option | Time Stamp Element |
1 | “MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss” |
2 | “ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT” Note: Greenwhich Mean Time if “UTC Offset” setting is set. If UTC Offset is not set, time returned will be datalogger time and “GMT” will be omitted from the string. |
3 | "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" |
4 | "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
5 | "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" |
6 | "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.ff" |
Note: Fractional seconds are always reported as ".00".
- dd = Day of Month, 01 – 31
- ddd = day of week (Mon, Tue, Wed, etc)
- ff = Fractional second; always reported as 00
- HH = Hour, 00 - 23
- MM = Month, 01- 12
- MMM = Abbreviated name of the month (Jan, Feb, etc.)
- mm = Minute, 00 - 59
- ss = Seconds, 00 - 59
- yyyy = Year, 0000 - 9999
- GMT = Designation that time displayed is Greenwich Mean Time
Type: Constant