Data aggregation

In order to sustain overall platform performance, the API process will automatically aggregate data based on the amount of time covered by the request. The aggregates are as follows:

  • Time range for the API call is less than 6 hours: aggregate is 1 minute

  • Time range for the API call is greater than 6 hours and less than 24 hours: aggregate is 5 minutes

  • Time range for the API call is greater than 24 hours and less than 2 weeks: aggregate is 15 minutes

  • Time range for the API call is greater than 2 weeks and less than 4 weeks: aggregate is 30 minutes

  • Time range for the API call is greater than 4 weeks and less than 6 months: aggregate is 60 minutes

  • Time range for the API call is greater than 6 months: aggregate is 180 minutes


The aggregates will only apply where data is available in those increments. For example, 5 minute data cannot be returned in a 1 minute increment, so it will be returned as 5 minute data for all API calls less than 24 hours.