The Aspen 10 must have a recipe in order to make measurements, store data, and publish data to CampbellCloud. Aspen 10 recipes contain programs that are executed on a precise schedule, based on the Aspen 10 internal clock. On a time interval, specified in the recipe, the Aspen 10 stores data in tables and copies it to Cloud. The Observations table is only written to when in observation mode. See Observation mode for more information.
When the Aspen 10 does not have a recipe it automatically retrieves one from Cloud when the sensor is first connected. The following sections describe the data intervals and measurements associated with different sensor recipes.
Measurement Properties in CampbellCloud define the units of the measurements that the software receives. Set measurement Classifications and Subclassifications in CampbellCloud Assets > Measurement Properties. These settings, along with Cloud My Settings > Unit Preferences, determine how your measurements are displayed throughout Cloud. See for a complete listing of Classifications and Subclassifications.
Use the following sections to determine the recommended Classifications Refers to the primary classification of a measurement, such as tempreature, relative humidity, or precipitation.,
Subclassifications Refers to the secondary classification of a measurement. For example, a temperature classification can have multiple subclassifications, such as air temperature, dew point temperature, or soil temperature,
Aggregate Denotes the aggregate type for the incoming measurement into CampbellCloud. For example, if the incoming measurement is a minimum value (for example, minimum battery voltage), set aggregate type to minimum., and
Units Specifies the unit type of the incoming measurement into CampbellCloud. For example, if the asset is sending a temperature measurement to CampbellCloud in degrees Celsius, Units must be set to degrees Celsius. for your sensor: