SDI-12 programmed mode/recorder mode

The data logger can be programmed to read SDI-12 sensors or act as an SDI-12 sensor itself. The SDI12Recorder() instruction automates sending commands and recording responses. With this instruction, the commands to poll sensors and retrieve data is done automatically with proper elapsed time between the two. The data logger automatically issues retries. See ClosedCRBasic Editor The CRBasic programming editor; stand-alone software and also included with LoggerNet, PC400, and RTDAQ software. help for more information on this instruction.

Commands entered into the SDIRecorder() instruction differ slightly in function from similar commands entered in transparent mode. In transparent mode, for example, the operator manually enters aM! and aD0! to initiate a measurement and get data, with the operator providing the proper time delay between the request for measurement and the request for data. In programmed mode, the data logger provides command and timing services within a single line of code. For example, when the SDI12Recorder() instruction is programmed with the M! command (note that the SDI-12 address is a separate instruction parameter), the data logger issues the aM! and aD0! commands with proper elapsed time between the two. The data logger automatically issues retries and performs other services that make the SDI-12 measurement work as trouble free as possible.

For troubleshooting purposes, responses to SDI-12 commands can be captured in programmed mode by placing a variable declared As String in the variable parameter. Variables not declared As String will capture only numeric data.

See the CRBasic Editor help for detailed instruction information and program examples: , .