Settings can be accessed from the LoggerNet Connect Screen Datalogger > Setting Editor, or using Device Configuration Utility Software tool used to set up data loggers and peripherals, and to configure PakBus settings before those devices are deployed in the field and/or added to networks. Also called DevConfig. Settings Editor tab. Settings are organized in tabs and can be searched for.
(Click image to expand/collapse display)
Most Settings are read/write and of a numeric data type unless noted.
Settings may be accessed programatically using SetSetting()
or Tablename.Fieldname
syntax. For example: Variable = Settings.Fieldname
. For more information see: .
A list of Settings fieldnames is also available from the data logger terminal mode using command F.
This setting governs the baud rate that the data logger will use for a given port in order to support serial communications. For some ports (COM), this setting also controls whether the port will be enabled for serial communications.
Some ports (RS-232
This setting, in units of seconds, governs the rate at which the data logger will broadcast PakBus messages on the associated port in order to discover any new PakBus neighboring nodes. If this setting value is set to a value of 0 or 65,535, the data logger will not broadcast beacon messages on this port.
This setting will also govern the default verification interval if the value of the Verify() setting for the associated port is zero. If the value of this setting is non-zero, and the value of the Verify setting is zero, the effective verify interval will be calculated as 2.5 times the value for this setting. If both the value of this setting and the value of the Verify setting is zero, the effective verify interval will be 300 seconds (five minutes).
This setting specifies a list of PakBus ® A proprietary communications protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. addresses for
routers A device configured as a router is able to forward PakBus packets from one port to another. To perform its routing duties, a data logger configured as a router maintains its own list of neighbors and sends this list to other routers in the PakBus network. It also obtains and receives neighbor lists from other routers. Routers maintain a routing table, which is a list of known nodes and routes. A router will only accept and forward packets that are destined for known devices. Routers pass their lists of known neighbors to other routers to build the network routing system. that are able to work as Central Routers. By specifying a non-empty list for this setting, the data logger will be configured as a Branch Router meaning that it will not be required to keep track of neighbors of any routers except those in its own branch. Configured in this fashion, the data logger will ignore any neighbor lists received from addresses in the central routers setting and will forward any messages that it receives to the nearest default router if it does not have the destination address for those messages in its routing table.
- String data type
Replaces PakBusNodes.
Specifies the configuration for a data logger control port as it relates to serial communications. It is significant only when the associated port baud rate setting is set to something other than Disabled. This setting denotes the physical layer properties used for communications. It does not indicate the port's current configuration as it relates to standard or inverted logic. Options include:
- RS-232: Configures the port as RS-232 with standard voltage levels.
- TTL: The port is configured to use TTL, 0 to 5V voltage levels. By default, the port will use inverted logic levels. Use
to configure this port for standard TTL logic levels. - LVTTL: The port is configured to use Low Voltage TTL (LVTTL), 0 to 3.3V voltage levels. By default, the port will use inverted logic levels. Use
to configure this port for standard TTL logic levels. - RS-485 Half-Duplex PakBus: The port is configured as RS-485 half-duplex (two wire) and uses the PakBus/MDROP protocol. This allows reliable PakBus peer-to-peer networking of multiple devices including the MD485 and NL100 using the RS-485 interface.
- RS-485 Half-Duplex Transparent: The port is configured as RS-485 half-duplex (two wire). This setting is most commonly used when communicating with other non-PakBus RS-485 devices. Use this setting when communicating with devices such as Modbus RTUs or third-party serial sensors with RS-485 interfaces.
- RS-485/RS-422 Full Duplex Transparent: The port is configured as full-duplex (four wire). In this configuration, four adjacent control ports are required.
Controls whether the CS I/O IP #1 or #2 TCP/IP interface should be enabled.
Reports the IP address, network mask, and default gateway for each of the data logger's active network interfaces. If DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A TCP/IP application protocol. is used for the interface, this setting will report the value that was configured by the DHCP server.
- String data type
Controls whether the data logger will maintain its real time clock and battery backed memory when it loses power. Setting this value to one will cause the data logger clock to lose time on power loss. If this value is set to one, the data logger will not maintain its program or data after it powers down.
This value is useful when the data logger needs to be stored as it will prolong the shelf life of the lithium battery almost indefinitely.
If this value is set to one, the data logger will set it to zero when it powers up.
Controls the behavior of the data logger when it restarts with a different program and it detects that data files created by the CardOut()
are present but do not match the new program. If this value is set to one, the data logger will delete these files so that new files can be stored. If set to a value of zero, the data logger will retain the existing files and prevent any data from being appended to these files.
This setting specifies the addresses of up to two domain name servers that the data logger can use to resolve domain names to IP addresses. Note that if DHCP is used to resolve IP information, the addresses obtained via DHCP will be appended to this list.
When setting a static IP address, first manually set a DNS Server Address in Settings Editor > Advanced.
- String data type
Reports the IP address, network mask, and default gateway for each of the data logger's active network interfaces. If DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A TCP/IP application protocol. is used for the interface, this setting will report the value that was configured by the DHCP server.
- String data type
- Read only
This setting specifies how the data logger controls power to its Ethernet interface. This setting provides a means of reducing the data logger power consumption while Ethernet is not connected. Always on, 1 Minute, or Disable.
This setting controls how the data logger will handle incoming files with specific extensions from various sources. There can be up to four specifications. Each specification has three required fields: PakBus Address, File Name, and Count.
- String data type
Set to 1 if to enable FTP service. Default is 0.
Specifies the password that is used to log in to the FTP server.
- String data type
Configures the TCP port on which the FTP service is offered. The default value is usually sufficient unless a different value needs to be specified to accommodate port mapping rules in a network address translation firewall. Default = 21.
Specifies the user name that is used to log in to the FTP server. An empty string (the default) inactivates the FTP server.
- String data type
Set to 1 to enable HTTP (web server) service or 0 to disable it.
Specifies additions to the HTTP header in the web service response. It can include multiple lines. Example: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
- String data type
Configures the TCP port on which the HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A TCP/IP application protocol. (web server) service is offered. Generally, the default value is sufficient unless a different value needs to be specified to accommodate port-mapping rules in a network-address translation firewall. Default = 80.
Set to 1 to enable the HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. A secure version of HTTP. (secure web server) service.
Configures the TCP port on which the HTTPS (secure web server) service is offered. Generally, the default value is sufficient unless a different value needs to be specified to accommodate port mapping rules in a network address translation firewall.
This setting specifies the name of a file to be implicitly included at the end of the current CRBasic program or can be run as the default program. In order to work as an include file, the file referenced by this setting cannot contain a BeginProg()
statement or define any variable names or tables that are defined in the main program file.
This setting must specify both the name of the file to run as well as on the device (CPU:
- String data type
An array that specifies the CS I/O IP addresses for internet interfaces like the NL200 and NL240, which use the CS I/O bridge protocol. By default, the NL200 uses CS I/O IP address #1, and the NL240 uses CS I/O IP address #2. The "Interface Identifier" setting in the NL2xx can be used to change the default CS I/O IP address array number. If zero (the default) is specified for the IP address, the data logger will use DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A TCP/IP application protocol. to configure the IP address, network mask, and default gateway for that interface.
- String data type
Set to one if all broadcast IP packets should be filtered from IP interfaces. Do not set this if you use the IP discovery feature of the Device Configuration Utility or of LoggerLink. If this is set to one, the data logger will fail to respond to the broadcast requests.
Default = 0.
Ethernet Default Gateway
and Ethernet Subnet Mask
settings. This setting is the equivalent to the IPAddressEth
status table variable.
- String data type
Specifies the IP address of the network gateway on the same subnet as the Ethernet interface. If the value of the Ethernet IP Address setting is set to "" (the default), the data logger will configure the effective value of this setting using DHCP.
- String data type
These settings specify the IP addresses of the router on the subnet to which the first or second CS I/O bridge internet interface is connected. The data logger will forward all non-local IP packets to this address when it has no other route. If the CS I/O IP Address setting is set to a value of "", the data logger will configure the effective value of this setting using DHCP.
- String data type
These settings specify the subnet masks for the CS I/O bridge mode internet interface. If the corresponding CS I/O Address setting is set to a value of "", the data logger will configure the effective value of this setting using DHCP.
- String data type
Specifies the subnet mask for the Ethernet interface. If the value of the Ethernet IP Address setting is set to "" (the default), the data logger will configure the effective value of this setting using DHCP.
- String data type
Specifies the subnet mask for the WiFi interface.
- String data type
Discontinued; aliased to IPTraceComport
Controls what type of information is sent on the port specified by IPTraceComport and via Telnet. Each bit in this integer represents a certain aspect of tracing that can be turned on or off. Values for particular bits are described in the Device Configuration Utility. Default = 0, no messages generated.
Specifies the port (if any) on which TCP/IP trace information is sent. Information type is controlled by IPTraceCode.
This setting controls whether the data logger is configured as a router A device configured as a router is able to forward PakBus packets from one port to another. To perform its routing duties, a data logger configured as a router maintains its own list of neighbors and sends this list to other routers in the PakBus network. It also obtains and receives neighbor lists from other routers. Routers maintain a routing table, which is a list of known nodes and routes. A router will only accept and forward packets that are destined for known devices. Routers pass their lists of known neighbors to other routers to build the network routing system. or as a
leaf node A PakBus node at the end of a branch. When in this mode, the data logger is not able to forward packets from one of its communications ports to another. It will not maintain a list of neighbors, but it still communicates with other PakBus data loggers and wireless sensors. It cannot be used as a means of reaching (routing to) other data loggers.. If the value of this setting is true, the data logger will be configured to act as a PakBus router. That is, it will be able to forward PakBus packets from one port to another. To perform its routing duties, a data logger configured as a router will maintain its own list of neighbors and send this list to other routers in the PakBus network. It will also obtain and receive neighbor lists from other routers.
If the value of this setting is false, the data logger will be configured to act as a leaf node. In this configuration, the data logger will not be able to forward packets from one port to another and it will not maintain a list of neighbors. Under this configuration, the data logger can still communicate with other data loggers and wireless sensors. It cannot, however, be used as a means of reaching those other data loggers. The default value is false.
- Boolean data type
KeepAliveURL (Ping keep alive URL)
The URL to send a ping to when there has been no network activity for the KeepAliveMin interval. If there is no ping response then the network connection is reestablished.
String data type
KeepAliveMin (Ping keep alive timeout value)
When there has been no network activity for this amount of time, in seconds, a ping will be sent to the KeepAliveURL. Default = 0 which disables keep alive pings.
Long data type (allowed values: 0,5,10,15,30,60,120,180,240,300,360,480,720)
Specifies the maximum number of bytes per data collection packet.
This setting specifies, for a given port, the explicit list of PakBus ® A proprietary communications protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. node addresses that the data logger will accept as neighbors. If the list is empty (the default value) any node will be accepted as a neighbor. This setting will not affect the acceptance of a neighbor if that neighbor's address is greater than 3999.
- String data type
This setting specifies an NTP Server to be queried (once per day) to adjust the data logger clock. This setting uses the UTC Offset setting. If UTC Offset setting is not set, it is assumed to be 0.
- String data type
This setting specifies the PakBus ® A proprietary communications protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. address for this device. Valid values are in the range 1 to 4094. The value for this setting must be chosen such that the address of the device will be unique in the scope of the data logger network. Duplication of PakBus addresses can lead to failures and unpredictable behavior in the PakBus network.
When a device has an allowed neighbor list for a port, any device that has an address greater than or equal to 4000 will be allowed to connect to that device regardless of the allowed neighbor list.
PakBus Encryption Key
The PakBusEncryptionKey setting specifies text that will be used to generate the key for encrypting PakBus messages sent or received by this data logger. If this value is specified as an empty string, the data logger will not use PakBus encryption. If this value is specified as a non-empty string, however, the data logger will not respond to any PakBus message unless that message has been encrypted.
- String data type
Discontinued; aliased to CommsMemAlloc
This setting specifies the TCP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. service port for
PakBus ® A proprietary communications protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. communications with the data logger. Unless firewall issues exist, this setting probably does not need to be changed from its default value. Default 6785.
This setting specifies outgoing PakBus/TCP connections that the data logger should maintain. Up to four addresses can be specified.
- String data type
By default, PakBus TCP communications are enabled. To disable PakBus TCP communications, set the PakBusPort setting to 65535.
This setting specifies a password that, if not empty, will make the data logger authenticate any incoming or outgoing PakBus/TCP connection. This type of authentication is similar to that used by CRAM-MD5 16 byte checksum of the TCP/IP VTP configuration..
- String data type
Set to one to enable the ICMP ping service.
PCAP is a packet capture (PCAP) file of network packet data (network traffic) that can be opened by Wireshark. This setting specifies the network interface, file name, and maximum size of the PCAP file. For example:
- "usr:debug.pcap" saves the file to the USR drive with the file type .pcap.
- ".ring." found in name will create new files once the file size has been reached. "crd:debug.ring.pcap" creates crd:debug001.pcap, crd:debug002.pcap...
- If a number follows .ring. then only that number of files will be saved, with the oldest deleted. For example: "usr:debug.ring.3.pcap" will save three files.
If All Networks is selected as the Network Interface and PPP/Cell is active, then separate files will be opened for the PPP/Cell network with "ppp." prefixed on the file name.
Specifies the dial string that would follow the ATD command (#777 for the Redwing CDMA).
Alternatively, this value can specify a list of AT commands where each command is separated by a semi-colon (;). When specified in this fashion, the data logger will transmit the string up to the semicolon, transmit a carriage return to the modem, and wait for two seconds before proceeding with the rest of the dial string (or up to the next semicolon). If multiple semicolons are specified in succession, the data logger will add a delay of one second for each additional semicolon.
If a value of PPP is specified for this setting, will configure the data logger to act as a PPP client without any modem dialing. Finally, an empty string (the default) will configure the data logger to listen for incoming PPP connections also without any modem dialing.
- String data type
Specifies the response expected after dialing a modem before a PPP connection can be established.
- String data type
Reports the IP address, network mask, and default gateway for each of the data logger's active network interfaces. If DHCP is used for the interface, this setting will report the value that was configured by the DHCP server.
- String data type
- Read only
This setting controls which data logger port PPP service will be configured to use.
Specifies the IP address that will be used for the PPP interface if that interface is active (the PPP Interface setting needs to be set to something other than Inactive).
- String data type
Specifies the password that will be used for PPP connections when the value of PPP Interface is set to something other than Inactive.
- String data type
Specifies the user name that is used to log in to the PPP server.
- String data type
This setting configures the data logger to restrict routing or processing of some PakBus ® A proprietary communications protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. message types so that a "state changing" message can only be processed or forwarded by this data logger if the source address of that message is in one of the source ranges and the destination address of that message is in the corresponding destination range. If no ranges are specified (the default), the data logger will not apply any routing restrictions. "State changing" message types include set variable, table reset, file control send file, set settings, and revert settings.
If a message is encoded using PakBus encryption, the router will forward that message regardless of its content. If, however, the routes filter setting is active in the destination node and the unencrypted message is of a state changing type, the route filter will be applied by that end node.
- String data type
If non-zero, hardware handshaking is active on the RS-232 port. This setting specifies the maximum packet size sent between checking for CTS.
Controls whether the RS-232 port will remain active even when communications are not taking place.
- Boolean data type
RS-232 hardware handshaking timeout. Specifies the time (tens of ms) that the CR6 will wait between packets if CTS is not asserted.
Security(1), Security(2), Security(3)
An array of three security codes. A value of zero for a given level will grant access to that level's privileges for any given security code. For more information, see Data logger security.
Discontinued; replaced by/aliased to HTTPEnabled, PingEnabled, TelnetEnabled.
Discontinued; replaced by / aliased to PakBusTCPClients.
The maximum TCP segment size. This value represents the maximum TCP payload size. It is used to limit TCP packet size. A maximum TCP transmission unit (MTU) can be calculated by adding the IP Header size (20 bytes), the TCP Header size (20 bytes), and the payload size.
Discontinued; replaced by / aliased to PakBusPort.
Enables (1) or disables (0) the Telnet service.
TLSConnections (Max TLS Server Connections)
This setting controls the number of concurrent TLS Transport Layer Security. An Internet communications security protocol. (secure or encrypted) client socket connections that the data logger will be capable of handling at any given time. This will affect FTPS and HTTPS services. This count will be increased by the number of
instructions in the data logger program.
This setting will control the amount of RAM that the data logger will use for TLS connections. For every connection, approximately 20KBytes of RAM will be required. This will affect the amount of memory available for program and data storage. Changing this setting will force the data logger to recompile its program so that it can reallocate memory
This setting specifies the password that will be used to decrypt the TLS Private Key setting.
- String data type
Reports the current status of the data logger TLS network stack.
- String data type
- Read only
Configure USB
USBConfig controls the configuration of the data logger USB port. When set to a value of 1 it configures the data logger to enumerate USB as a virtual com port only. A value of 0 (the default) causes the data logger to enumerate as a composite device with both a virtual com port and a virtual Ethernet port (RNDIS) available.
Default = 0.
USB Disable
USBDisable controls whether the USB port is enabled or disabled. If set to 0 (the default), the port is enabled. 1 disables it. If the setting is changed, a data logger reboot is required for the change to take effect.
When USB is disabled, you will need to use another communications method (Ethernet, serial, CR1000KD) to re-enable it.
Default = 0.
Controls the behavior of the data logger when its USB connector is plugged into the computer. If set to a value of 1, the data logger will use its own serial number for identification in the USB enumeration. If set to a value of 0 (the default), the data logger will use a fixed serial number in the USB enumeration. This behavior controls whether the computer will allocate a new virtual serial port for the data logger USB connection or will use a previously allocated (but not currently used) virtual serial port.
Default = 0.
USB Virtual Ethernet Address (RNDIS)
IPAddressUSB specifies the IP address for the USB Network Interface. When set to 0 it defaults to
Provides information on the available bytes for the USR drive.
- Read only
Specifies the size in bytes allocated for the USR: ram disk drive. This memory is allocated from the memory that the data logger would normally use to store its compiled program or RAM based data tables. If this setting is too large, some programs may not be able to compile on the data logger.
Setting the USR: Drive Size setting will force the data logger to recompile its program and may result in the loss of data.
This setting controls the amount of memory set aside for the USR: size and is only indirectly related to the amount of storage within that file system. The amount of space available for storing files is always going to be less than this value because of the overhead of file system structures.
Specifies the offset, in seconds, of the data logger's clock from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, or GMT). For example, if the clock is set to Mountain Standard Time in the U.S. (-7 Hours offset from UTC) then this setting should be -25200 (-7*3600). This setting is used by the NTP Server setting as well as EmailSend()
and HTTP(), which require Universal Time in their headers. This setting will also be adjusted by the Daylight Savings functions if they adjust the clock.
If a value of -1 is supplied for this setting, no UTC offset will be applied.
This setting specifies the interval, in units of seconds, that will be reported as the link verification interval in the PakBus hello transaction messages. It will indirectly govern the rate at which the data logger will attempt to start a hello transaction with a neighbor if no other communications have taken place within the interval.