Setting up communications with the data logger
The first step in setting up and communicating with your data logger is to configure your connection. Communications peripherals, data loggers, and software must all be configured for communications.
The default settings for the data logger allow it to communicate with a computer via USB, RS-232, or Ethernet. For other communications methods or more complex applications, some settings may need adjustment. Settings can be changed through Device Configuration Utility Software tool used to set up data loggers and peripherals, and to configure PakBus settings before those devices are deployed in the field and/or added to networks. Also called DevConfig. or through data logger support software.
You can configure your connection using any of the following options. The simplest is via USB. For detailed instruction, see:
For other configurations, see the LoggerNet EZSetup Wizard help. Context-specific help is given in each step of the wizard by clicking the Help button in the bottom right corner of the window. For complex data logger networks, use Network Planner Campbell Scientific software designed to help set up datal oggers in PakBus networks so that they can communicate with each other and the LoggerNet server. For more information, see For more information on using the Network Planner, watch a video at
Additional information is found in your specific peripheral manual, and the data logger support software manual and help. See also:
for links to CELL200-series, RV50X, cellular data services, Konect PakBus router, and other cellular products
for links to the NL201, and other Ethernet products
for links to the NL241, and other Wi-Fi products
for links to the RF452 and RF407-series spread spectrum radios
for links to the TX325, TX326, HUGHES9502, and other satellite products
Manuals for retired products are found at: . These include, but are not limited to: RF401, RV50, TX321, TX320, and TX312.