Analyzing FTP sniff-file error messages

Open the text file you saved and look for the SUCCESS or FAILED message. The error code or point of failure is shown above FAILURE message. For example, in Basic FTP missing directory error: the following error code is shown on the lines preceding FAILED:

ftp rx: 550 Directory not found

In SFTP incompatible host encryption keys error: you see the following error code on the lines before the FAILED message:

-5 – Unable to exchange encryption keys

Other SFTP error codes could include messages similar to the following:

-18 - Authentication failed (username/password)
Authentication by password failed -18.

Use the following tables to help interpret error messages.

FTP Error codes




User name okay, need password.


Need account for login.


Requested file action pending further information.


Service not available, closing control connection. This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down.


Cannot open data connection.  Try changing from PASV to PORT mode.


Connection closed; transfer aborted.


Requested file action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file busy).


Requested action aborted: local error in processing.


Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system.


Syntax error in parameters or arguments.


Command not implemented. (The server does not support the FTP command you are using)


Bad sequence of commands.


Command not implemented for that parameter.


Not logged in.  Your password is being rejected, contact the server administrator.


Need account for storing files.


Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file or directory not found, or no access).  Contact the server administrator.


Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or data set). Contact the server administrator.


Requested action not taken. File name not allowed.  Try changing the file name, or getting rid of spaces in the file name.

SFTP Error codes










ERROR_KEX_FAILURE – likely a host key incompatibility.
































ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED (username/password) – data logger does not have valid keys for key authentication (which may be ok if you want to use username/password) and logger is not using correct username and password for username/password method.


ERROR_PUBLICKEY_UNVERIFIED – this error will not be able to show up on our loggers.























































FTPS (TLS) errors



0x1080 PEM - No PEM header or footer found
0x1100 PEM - PEM string is not as expected
0x1180 PEM - Failed to allocate memory
0x1200 PEM - RSA IV is not in hex-format
0x1280 PEM - Unsupported key encryption algorithm
0x1300 PEM - Private key password cannot be empty
0x1380 PEM - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x1400 PEM - Unavailable feature, such as hashing/encryption combination
0x1480 PEM - Bad input parameters to function
0x1E00 PKCS12 - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x1E80 PKCS12 - PBE ASN.1 data not as expected
0x1F00 PKCS12 - Feature not available, such as unsupported encryption scheme
0x1F80 PKCS12 - Bad input parameters to function
0x2080 X509 - Unavailable feature, such as RSA hashing/encryption combination
0x2100 X509 - Requested OID is unknown
0x2180 X509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR format is invalid, different type expected
0x2200 X509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR version element is invalid
0x2280 X509 - The serial tag or value is invalid
0x2300 X509 - The algorithm tag or value is invalid
0x2380 X509 - The name tag or value is invalid
0x2400 X509 - The date tag or value is invalid
0x2480 X509 - The signature tag or value invalid
0x2500 X509 - The extension tag or value is invalid
0x2580 X509 - CRT/CRL/CSR has an unsupported version number
0x2600 X509 - Signature algorithm (oid) is unsupported
0x2680 X509 - Signature algorithms do not match. (see \\c ::mbedtls_x509_crt sig_oid)
0x2700 X509 - Certificate verification failed, for example CRL, CA or signature check failed
0x2780 X509 - Format not recognized as DER or PEM
0x2800 X509 - Input invalid
0x2880 X509 - Allocation of memory failed
0x2900 X509 - Read/write of file failed
0x2980 X509 - Destination buffer is too small
0x2e00 PKCS5 - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x2e80 PKCS5 - Requested encryption or digest alg not available
0x2f00 PKCS5 - Unexpected ASN.1 data
0x2f80 PKCS5 - Bad input parameters to function
0x3000 X509 - A fatal error occurred, for example, the chain is too long or the verify callback failed
0x3080 DHM - Bad input parameters
0x3100 DHM - Reading of the DHM parameters failed
0x3180 DHM - Making of the DHM parameters failed
0x3200 DHM - Reading of the public values failed
0x3280 DHM - Making of the public value failed
0x3300 DHM - Calculation of the DHM secret failed
0x3380 DHM - The ASN.1 data is not formatted correctly
0x3400 DHM - Allocation of memory failed
0x3480 DHM - Read or write of file failed
0x3500 DHM - DHM hardware accelerator failed
0x3580 DHM - Setting the modulus and generator failed
0x3880 PK - PK hardware accelerator failed
0x3900 PK - The buffer contains a valid signature followed by more data
0x3980 PK - Unavailable feature, for example, RSA disabled for RSA key
0x3A00 PK - Elliptic curve is unsupported (only NIST curves are supported)
0x3A80 PK - The algorithm tag or value is invalid
0x3B00 PK - The pubkey tag or value is invalid (only RSA and EC are supported)
0x3B80 PK - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryption
0x3C00 PK - Private key password cannot be empty
0x3C80 PK - Key algorithm is unsupported (only RSA and EC are supported)
0x3D00 PK - Invalid key tag or value
0x3D80 PK - Unsupported key version
0x3E00 PK - Read/write of file failed
0x3E80 PK - Bad input parameters to function
0x3F00 PK - Type mismatch, for example, attempt to encrypt with an ECDSA key
0x3F80 PK - Memory allocation failed
0x4080 RSA - Bad input parameters to function
0x4100 RSA - Input data contains invalid padding and is rejected
0x4180 RSA - Something failed during generation of a key
0x4200 RSA - Key failed to pass the validity check of the library
0x4280 RSA - The public key operation failed
0x4300 RSA - The private key operation failed
0x4380 RSA - The PKCS#1 verification failed
0x4400 RSA - The output buffer for decryption is not large enough
0x4480 RSA - The random generator failed to generate non-zeros
0x4500 RSA - The implementation does not offer the requested operation, for example, because of security violations or lack of functionality
0x4580 RSA - RSA hardware accelerator failed
0x4B00 ECP - Operation in progress, call again with the same parameters to continue
0x4B80 ECP - The ECP hardware accelerator failed
0x4C00 ECP - The buffer contains a valid signature followed by more data
0x4C80 ECP - Invalid private or public key
0x4D00 ECP - Generation of random value, such as ephemeral key, failed
0x4D80 ECP - Memory allocation failed
0x4E00 ECP - The signature is not valid
0x4E80 ECP - The requested feature is not available, for example, the requested curve is not supported
0x4F00 ECP - The buffer is too small to write to
0x4F80 ECP - Bad input parameters to function
0x5080 MD - The selected feature is not available
0x5100 MD - Bad input parameters to function
0x5180 MD - Failed to allocate memory
0x5200 MD - Opening or reading of file failed
0x5280 MD - MD hardware accelerator failed
0x6080 CIPHER - The selected feature is not available
0x6100 CIPHER - Bad input parameters
0x6180 CIPHER - Failed to allocate memory
0x6200 CIPHER - Input data contains invalid padding and is rejected
0x6280 CIPHER - Decryption of block requires a full block
0x6300 CIPHER - Authentication failed (for AEAD modes)
0x6380 CIPHER - The context is invalid. For example, because it was freed
0x6400 CIPHER - Cipher hardware accelerator failed
0x6480 SSL - Internal-only message signaling that a message arrived early
0x6500 SSL - The asynchronous operation is not completed yet
0x6580 SSL - Internal-only message signaling that further message-processing should be done
0x6600 SSL – Could not set the hash for verifying CertificateVerify
0x6680 SSL - The alert message received indicates a non-fatal error
0x6700 SSL - Record header looks valid but is not expected
0x6780 SSL - The client initiated a reconnect from the same port
0x6800 SSL - The operation timed out
0x6880 SSL - Connection requires a write call
0x6900 SSL - No data of requested type currently available on underlying transport
0x6980 SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable (for example, no suitable certificate, see debug messages)
0x6A00 SSL - A buffer is too small to receive or write a message
0x6A80 SSL - DTLS client must retry for hello verification
0x6B00 SSL - Unexpected message at ServerHello in renegotiation
0x6B80 SSL - A counter would wrap (for example, too many messages exchanged)
0x6C00 SSL - Internal error (for example, unexpected failure in lower-level module)
0x6C80 SSL - Unknown identity received (for example, PSK identity)
0x6D00 SSL - Public key type mismatch (for example, asked for RSA key exchange and presented EC key)
0x6D80 SSL - Session ticket has expired
0x6E00 SSL - Processing of the NewSessionTicket handshake message failed
0x6E80 SSL - Handshake protocol not within min/max boundaries
0x6F00 SSL - Processing of the compression / decompression failed
0x6F80 SSL - Hardware acceleration function skipped / left alone data
0x7000 SSL - A cryptographic operation is in progress. Try again later
0x7080 SSL - The requested feature is not available
0x7100 SSL - Bad input parameters to function
0x7180 SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed
0x7200 SSL - An invalid SSL record was received
0x7280 SSL - The connection indicated an EOF
0x7300 SSL - An unknown cipher was received
0x7380 SSL - The server has no ciphersuites in common with the client
0x7400 SSL - No RNG was provided to the SSL module
0x7480 SSL - No client certification received from the client, but required by the authentication mode
0x7500 SSL - Our own certificate(s) is/are too large to send in an SSL message
0x7580 SSL - The own certificate is not set, but needed by the server
0x7600 SSL - The own private key or pre-shared key is not set, but needed
0x7680 SSL - No CA Chain is set, but required to operate
0x7700 SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer
0x7780 SSL - A fatal alert message was received from our peer
0x7800 SSL - Verification of our peer failed
0x7880 SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed
0x7900 SSL - Processing of the ClientHello handshake message failed
0x7980 SSL - Processing of the ServerHello handshake message failed
0x7A00 SSL - Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed
0x7A80 SSL - Processing of the CertificateRequest handshake message failed
0x7B00 SSL - Processing of the ServerKeyExchange handshake message failed
0x7B80 SSL - Processing of the ServerHelloDone handshake message failed
0x7C00 SSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed
0x7C80 SSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed in DHM / ECDH Read Public
0x7D00 SSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed in DHM / ECDH Calculate Secret
0x7D80 SSL - Processing of the CertificateVerify handshake message failed
0x7E00 SSL - Processing of the ChangeCipherSpec handshake message failed
0x7E80 SSL - Processing of the Finished handshake message failed
0x7F00 SSL - Memory allocation failed
0x7F80 SSL - Hardware acceleration function returned with error