Pulse measurement specifications

Terminals are individually configurable for switch closure, high-frequency pulse, or low-level AC measurements.

Switch-closure input


  • P_SW
  • C1-C2
  • SE1-SE4

Maximum Input Frequency: 150 Hz

Minimum Switch Closed Time: 3 ms

Minimum Switch Open Time: 3 ms

Maximum Bounce Time: 1 ms open without being counted

High-frequency input


  • SE1-SE4
  • P_LL
  • P_SW
  • C1-C2

Maximum Input Frequency:

  • SE1-SE4: 35 kHz
  • P_LL: 20 kHz
  • P_SW: 35 kHz
  • C1-C2: 35 kHz

Low-level AC input

Terminals: P_LL

Maximum Input Voltage: ±20 VDC

DC-offset Rejection: Internal AC coupling eliminates DC-offset voltages up to ±0.05 VDC

Input Hysteresis: 12 mV at 1 Hz

Low-Level AC Pulse Input Ranges:

Sine wave (mV RMS) Range (Hz)
20 1.0 to 20
200 0.5 to 200
2000 0.3 to 10,000
5000 0.3 to 20,000

Quadrature input

Terminals: SE1 and SE2, SE3 and SE4, or C1 and C2 can be configured as digital terminal pairs to monitor the two sensing channels of an encoder.

Maximum Frequency: 2.5 kHz

See Pulse measurements for additional information.