Power output specifications

System power out limits (when powered with 12 VDC):

Temperature (°C) Current Limit1 (A)
–40° 5.8
20° 3.7
70° 2.0

1 Limited by self-resetting thermal fuse

12V: Provide unregulated 12 VDC power with voltage equal to BAT+ input voltage. Disabled when operating on USB power only. Current output limited by thermal fuses. Two 12V terminals share one thermal fuse up to 2.5 A @ 20 °C.

  • Terminals
    • 12V: two terminals, always on
    • SW1 and SW2: switched under program control, current limit at 2.1 A each

VX: Two independently configurable voltage terminals (VX1-VX2). VX outputs are produced by a 12-bit ClosedDAC Digital to analog conversion. The process that translates digital voltage levels to analog values.. In this case, these terminals are regularly used with resistive-bridge measurements (see Resistance measurements for more information). VX terminals can also be used to supply a switched, regulated 5 VDC power source to power digital sensors and toggle control lines.


CR350 data loggers are not capable of applying reverse excitation. Set the RevEx parameter of all bridge measurement instructions to False.

  • Range: 150 to 5000 mV
  • Resolution: 1.6 mV
  • Maximum Source Current: 50 mA total, concurrently or independently.

See also Voltage measurements.

See also Power output.