USB or RS-232 communications

Setting up a USB or RS-232 connection is a good way to begin communicating with your data logger. Because these connections do not require configuration (like an IP address), you need only set up the communications between your computer and the data logger. Use the following instructions or watch the Quickstart videos at .


You will physically connect your data logger to your computer in step 6.

Follow these steps to get started. These settings can be revisited using the data logger support software Edit Datalogger Setup option .

  1. Using Closeddata logger support software LoggerNet, RTDAQ, and PC400 - these Campbell Scientific software applications include at least the following functions: data logger communications, downloading programs, clock setting, and retrieval of measurement data., launch the EZSetup Wizard.


    New software installations automatically open the EZSetup Wizard the first time they run.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Select CR300 Series from the list. In the Datalogger Name field, type a meaningful name for your data logger (for example, a site identifier or project name), and click Next.

  4. Select the Direct Connect connection type and click Next.

  5. If this is the first time connecting this computer to a CR300 series via USB, click Install USB Driver, select your data logger, click Install, and follow the prompts to install the USB driver.

  6. Plug the data logger into your computer using a USB or ClosedRS-232 Recommended Standard 232. A loose standard defining how two computing devices can communicate with each other. The implementation of RS-232 in Campbell Scientific data loggers to computer communications is quite rigid, but transparent to most users. Features in the data logger that implement RS-232 communications with smart sensors are flexible. cable. The USB connection supplies 5 V power as well as a communications link, which is adequate for setup, but a 12 V power source is necessary to power cellular functions of CR300-CELL models. A 12 V battery will be needed for field deployment as the USB connection cannot power most sensors. If using RS-232, external power must be provided to the data logger.


    The Power LED on the data logger indicates the program and power states. Because the data logger ships with a program set to run on power-up, the Power LED flashes three times every 10 seconds when powered over USB. When powered with a 12 V battery, it flashes once every 10 seconds. When no program is running, the LED is always on.

  7. From the COM Port list, select the COM port used for your data logger. It will appear as CR300 series (COM number).

  8. USB and RS-232 connections do not typically require a COM Port Communication Delay; this type of delay allows time for hardware devices to "wake up" and negotiate a communications link. Accept the default value of 00 seconds and click Next.

  9. You must match the Closedbaud rate The rate at which data is transmitted. and ClosedPakBus ® A proprietary communications protocol developed by Campbell Scientific to facilitate communications between Campbell Scientific devices. Similar in concept to IP (Internet Protocol), PakBus is a packet-switched network protocol with routing capabilities. A registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc. address hardware settings of your data logger. A USB connection does not require a baud rate selection, keep the default. RS-232 connections default to 115200 baud. The default PakBus address is 1.


    Unlike the RS-232 port on some other Campbell Scientific data loggers that autobaud, the CR300 series RS-232 port does not. The hardware and software settings for baud rate and PakBus address must match in order to connect.

  10. Set an Extra Response Time if you have a difficult or marginal connection and you want the data logger support software to wait a certain amount of time before returning a communications failure error. Accept the default value of 00 seconds.

  11. Set a Max Time On-Line to limit the amount of time the data logger remains connected. When the data logger is connected, communications with it are terminated when this time limit is exceeded. A value of 0 in this field indicates that there is no time limit for maintaining a connection to the data logger.

  12. Leave the Neighbor PakBus Address as the default of 0.

  13. Click Next.

  14. By default, the data logger does not use a security code. Therefore, the Security Code can be left at 0. If the code has been changed in the data logger, enter the new code.

    The PakBus Encryption Key can be left blank for direct USB connections.

  15. Click Next.

  16. Review the Setup Summary. If you need to make changes, click Previous to return to a previous window and change the settings.

  17. Setup is now complete. The EZSetup Wizard allows you to Finish, or you may click Next to test communications, set the data logger clock, and send a program to the data logger. See Test the connection for more information.